The leadership of the Canadian Brain Research Strategy (CBRS) gathered at the CERVO Brain Research Centre in Quebec City for a retreat on November 21-22, 2022, to focus on shaping a national research strategy for brain and mental health. This meeting brought together leaders in brain and mental health research from across the country, including institute directors and early career researchers, Indigenous Knowledges Holders Group members, and patient representatives.
In the past year, CBRS has conducted extensive consultations via virtual roundtables and focus groups with key stakeholder groups, including researchers, individuals with lived experience, and Indigenous peoples. Small group discussions at the retreat revolved around the results of these consultations, focusing on identifying major themes and national-level resources to advance the CBRS Strategic Priorities. It also became evident that these areas intersect and overlap, emphasizing the need for cohesive initiatives.
By identifying gaps in content and outreach and brainstorming on the needs within each priority area, the retreat participants laid the groundwork for a cohesive national brain research initiative for Canada.
View the 2022 CBRS Leadership Retreat Report here.