Publications Pertinentes

Ways of Knowing of the Brain and Mind: A Scoping Review of the Literature About Global Indigenous Perspectives

Harding, L., Marra, C.J., Manohara, V., Illes, J. (2022). Ways of Knowing of the Brain and Mind: A Scoping Review of the Literature About Global Indigenous Perspectives. Journal of Neurology Research [in press].

International Data Governance for Neuroscience

Eke, D., Bernard, A., Bjaalie, J.G., Chavarriaga, R., Hanakawa, T., Hannan, A., Hill, S., Martone, M.E., McMahon, A., Ruebel, O. & Thiels, E. (2021). International Data Governance for Neuroscience.

From Vision to Action: Canadian leadership in ethics and neurotechnology.

Illes J, Lipsman N, McDonald PJ, Hrincu V, Chandler J, Fasanoe A, Giacobbei P, Hamani C, Ibrahim GM, Kiss Z, Meng Y, Sankar T, & Weise L (2021). From Vision to Action: Canadian leadership in ethics and neurotechnology. International Review of Neurobiology, 159: 241-273

International Brain Initiative: An Innovative Framework for Coordinated Global Brain Research Efforts

Adams, A., Albin, S., Amunts, K., Asakawa, T., Bernard, A., Bjaalie, J. G., Chakli, K., Deshler, J. O., De Koninck, Y., Ebell, C. J., Egan, G., Hale, M. E., Häusser, M., Jeong, S.-J., Illes, J., Lanyon, L., Li, Y., Magistretti, P., McMahon, A., … Zheng, J. (2020). International Brain Initiative: An Innovative Framework for Coordinated Global Brain Research Efforts. Neuron, 105(2), 212–216.

Globe and Mail Opinion – We need a national brain-research strategy

Gordon, J., & Raymond, L. (2018, February 2). We need a national brain-research strategy. The Globe and Mail.

G Science Academies Statement on Brain Research -Understanding, Protecting, and Developing Global Brain Resources

G-Science Academies Statement on Brain Research. (2016).
Royal Society commentary: