Recruitment for CBRS Indigenous Engagement Sessions


Indigenous Initiatives are a critical part of CBRS to ensure that the unique interests and perspectives of the diverse groups of Indigenous Peoples of Canada are acknowledged, upheld, and implemented throughout all aspects of our work as we build a national strategy for brain research. 

Amplifying the unique and diverse voices of Indigenous peoples in Canada will allow for enriched brain research, as these voices have long been silenced via the colonial structures in the country. We strive to acknowledge the past (including historical injustices), recognize the present (appreciate Indigenous strengths in culture and language), and envision the future (healthy reciprocal relationships between Indigenous Peoples and Canada).  

A robust national brain initiative must encompass the vast, distinct, and rich traditional knowledge of Indigenous peoples in Canada, as well as affirm the community expertise and sovereignty of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people.   

“Indigenous people are not well represented in brain research – brain research is not focused on Indigenous peoples, or researchers have not yet had the conversations about cultural relevance. If we do not find a way to include Indigenous people, the disparities that exist in these research domains, and accessibility to innovations and treatments may only grow”. 

– Dr. Christopher Mushquash, IKHG Member 

Who are we looking for? 

We are looking for researchers in neuroscience and mental health (especially Early Career Researchers and trainees), Traditional Knowledge Holders, and People With Lived Experience (PWLE), to participate in one of a series of 90-min Focus Groups for CBRS Indigenous Initiatives.  

These individuals do not need to be directly involved in brain research but should be able to provide insight and feedback from an Indigenous perspective, regarding our six strategic priorities: Open Neuroscience, Diversity & Team Science, Neuroethics, Platform Science, Transdisciplinary Training, and Neuroscience-AI Interface. Find out more about our priorities for Indigenous Initiatives here.

If you or you know any individuals, groups, or organizations, who might want to be involved: