CBRS is crafting a series of position papers to inspire and to guide the government to invest in a major brain research initiative for Canada. To this end, we convened more than 150 neuroscience and mental health researchers across the country in a series of virtual roundtable discussions last fall and in May 2022 to brainstorm a framework for a national strategy for brain research. Participants came from various career stages (from trainees to full professors) and trajectories (including research associates and researchers at non-profit organizations), with a range of backgrounds in the neurosciences and mental health fields.
The consensus among the nationwide coalition of stakeholders that the CBRS is clear: national-level resources, infrastructure, and policy – well beyond the capacity of any one institution or organization – are needed to strategically amplify Canada’s current investments and achievement in brain research.
Together, we shared ideas to:The discussions yielded invaluable insights, reaffirming the unprecedented opportunity we have to advance brain science excellence across the country. By fostering collaboration, transdisciplinarity, and openness, we can collectively shape the trajectory of neuroscience and mental health research, driving transformative progress for the benefit of all Canadians.